Friday, July 23

Ships Logs, USS Xir'tan: Stardate 56557

"Captain's log, stardate 56557. The evidence of "Professor Kramer's" artifact manufacturing scheme is safely under lock and key with 24 hour guard in Science Lab 1. As for so called "Professor Kramer", I've been informed that his seat on the Federation Archeology Council has been suspended pending the investigation. As far as I'm concerned, his fate is in the hands of the Vulcan civilian courts now - we're just the vehicle for his delivery. But he is not the only passenger we're carrying, on a much happier note -- we are also delivering 4 incoming Starfleet cadets to Vulcan, who from there will be taken to the Academy on Earth. In my opinion, that silver lining puts a great end to a testing mission." - Captain Yiirel, Personal Quarters, Time Index 08:16:42

"First officers log, supplemental. The Professor Kramer character has been secured in our brig until we can hand him over to Vulcan security. Lt. Krorr is making sure he stays there, and keeping the evidence against him safe. I don't expect too much of a problem, his accomplices aren't dumb enough to attack a Starfleet ship this deep in Federation space, and I'm confident we don't have to worry about anyone of our crew. Commander T'Loris tells me he had a lot of fun upgrading the structural supports on Klendth while he was stalling for time, so alls well that ends well. But now I'm off to welcome our young passengers aboard for their brief journey, to the Academy. I'm thinking a tour of the ship, then dinner in the messhall." - Commander Kirrjall, Conference Room, Time Index 13:07:10

"Ensign Pico's personal log, stardate 56557. We have taken aboard several passengers, and are preparing to leave Klendth for Vulcan - a 9 lightyear journey, should only take a few days. The current shipwide mission briefing states we'll be there for 3 days before heading back to the Mariotian sector. I think I'll try to visit my Aunt Emra, an officer at the Trill Embassy there." - Ensign Pico, Personal Quarters, Time Index 14:35:02

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